Sun shining through summer trees on College Green
商学院 战略计划

商学院 战略计划

2022-2026年商业学院战略计划是通过涉及关键利益相关者的迭代过程制定的, 包括学生, 教师, 工作人员 and the Executive Advisory Board. The successful 2017-2022 战略计划 was used as a starting point, specifically the existing mission, 愿景, core values and eight strategic priority areas. 制定新的战略计划的目标是通过减少优先事项的数量来提供重点, thus increasing the ability to achieve excellence in fewer and more impactful areas.

In developing the new plan, it was critical to separate diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) 不再是单一的优先事项, 而是将其作为计划的总体主题,并将其作为评估每个优先事项的关键镜头. 学院委员会制定了一份DEIA声明,概述并定义了学院内的多样性, and expresses the ongoing commitment to make a societal impact in this area.

  • 愿景


    我们是newbb电子平台队! 敏捷专业人士是有纪律的冒险者、终身学习者和好奇的全球公民. 我们是newbb电子平台商学院——未来领导者的教育选择.

  • 任务


    We inspire innovators who strategically create value. We motivate leaders who serve with grit and determination. We nurture self-aware citizens who better the world of business.

Tom De Weert speaks to students in a dimly lit Baker Center Theatre

提供的欲望 high impact experiential learning opportunities to our students in a post-COVID world overwhelmingly emerged as a top priority. The 商学院 has excelled in this area in the past, 但是,在课堂内外为学生提供服务的方式上保持创新,对于实现我们的使命至关重要. 目标是在课程和课外活动中加强体验式学习, assistance with preparing students for meaningful employment, 为传统和非传统学生提供学习机会也包括在这一优先事项中.

  • 核心价值观

    We serve students first, so they serve.


    We embrace diversity of thought and community.

    We offer individualized paths to success.

    We foster relationships that last.


  • DEIA in the 俄亥俄州 商学院

    newbb电子平台商学院致力于支持和拥抱多样化的体验, 背景, beliefs and perspectives of the students, 教师, 工作人员, community and all constituents that define our college. 我们努力通过参与响应,为所有人创造一个无障碍和包容的体验, 持续改进. 我们申明,我们对这些努力的承诺提升了个人并加强了集体.

Members of the Society of 校友 and Friends pose in front of the Class Gateway

Utilizing our proud and active alumni base 玫瑰是另一个重要的优先事项. While traditionally alumni have been used as a conduit for philanthropic giving, 商学院旨在进一步吸引校友,帮助他们利用自己的时间和才能. 从课堂参观和校友网络活动等适度的参与,到组建关键校友团体以协助招聘和留住校友等更有组织的功能,这些目标都是这一优先事项的一部分.

一个组织的好坏取决于它的员工,我们的第三个关键优先事项是提供 professional growth and recognition opportunities to our 教师 and 工作人员. Enhancing the reward structure is critical to job satisfaction, 同时确保教职员工不断接受最佳实践培训,以便更好地为学生服务. 重点放在确保教师的三个关键功能(教学)的资源可用, scholarship and research/professional qualifications, service) as well as professional growth opportunities for all.

The foundation of all priorities lies in recruiting and retaining a strong and diverse student population in under研究生, 研究生, 证书, 非学位课程. 一个基本要素是为学院制定一个与使命相一致的营销计划. 另外, 强调早期和有针对性的招聘,并结合与学术和职业咨询有关的保留战略.

Shot of Copeland building with green newbb电子平台 branding on its side

商业学院战略计划将作为未来五年决策的基础, 该计划的一个重要补充是纳入了确定目标相对成功程度的措施, as well as an owner who will be held accountable for each goal. 这些行动, 措施, 策略计划的配套文件概述了业主和环境管理局的考虑.

战略计划 目标,行动,指标

Strategic Priorities, Goals, and Actions



newbb电子平台商学院致力于为学生的事业成功做好准备. We emphasize experiential learning that leads to student transformation. 我们还与雇主需要的趋势和技能保持一致. We have focused on career support at the under研究生 level over the last 5 years – we will continue this; however, we will also focus much more on career support in 研究生 programs moving forward. 我们还希望通过在未来整合新型的专业培训模块,进一步推进我们目前的战略,允许专业和技能领域的独特组合.

  • 1.目标:提高学生的成功
  • 1.目标:支持商业和工作专业人士不断变化的人才发展需求
  • 1.3 Goal: Incorporate Real World Experiences into learning
  • 1.4 Goal: Develop community within and across professional and online 研究生 programs
  • 1.5 Goal: Enhance/Encourage offering of agile pedagogy/programs/opportunities

Priority 2: Provide Opportunities to Expand 校友 Impact

One of the greatest strengths of the 商学院 is the Ohio Bobcat family, 包括超过38岁的人吗,000名在世校友. 学院可以通过协调和有针对性的努力,以各种方式利用校友愿意提供的礼物,以使他们的礼物与学生的需求保持一致. 我们一直有一个小, committed base of alumni who have given so much to the 商学院, 但我们觉得newbb电子平台家族还有未开发的潜力需要挖掘.

  • 2.1 Goal: Increase the amount of time our alumni spend with the 商学院
  • 2.2 Goal Increase the amount of fundraising dollars generated from alumni


To operate at a high level and meet the needs of our stakeholder groups - educated, 精力充沛, and engaged 教师 and professional 工作人员 are required. Additional support to improve professional competencies is needed, ample opportunities for recognition is critical for sustained motivation, 为了整个战略计划的有效性,致力于招聘和留住多样化、有能力的员工基础是必不可少的. We must work to ensure our 教师 and 工作人员 are fairly and equitably compensated.

  • 3.1    Goal: Increase 教师 research impact
  • 3.2  Goal: Increase 教师 teaching impact 


Students are our “why” and our life blood, 商学院必须致力于招收有才能的学生,同时为那些来自代表性不足和服务不足社区的学生提供机会. Attention must be directed to targeted strategies, 一致的订婚, and a commitment to creating a high-touch, small college experience for every Business Bobcat.

  • 4.1 Goal: Develop a comprehensive college marketing plan
  • 4.2 Goal: Engage potential students early
  • 4.3 Goal: Leverage Non-Degree Executive and International Programs
  • 4.4 Goal: Recruit and Yield a More Diverse Student Body
  • 4.5 Goal: Increase Retention and 研究生uation Rates for Student Body

Glossary, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • 助理院长 -副院长
  • 协会主任 -副院长
  • BAACS -商业学术咨询 & 职业服务. 为本科生提供就业服务和学业成功指导和建议的“一站式服务”.
  • 酒吧 -黑人校友聚会
  • 结实的矮 -商学院
  • DEIA – 多样性、股票, 包容, and Access
  • DEIAB – 多样性、股票, 包容, Access, and Belonging
  • DFW – 研究生es of “D,” “F,” and “Withdrawal (W).” Certain courses are well-known for their rigor and are viewed as “weed-out” courses. 因此,较高的离职率被认为是正常的,例如,前两门会计课程. 高级课程(初级和高级课程)和DFW率非常高的课程(通常高于18-20%)需要进行学术质量审查. 我们的目标是让毕业生为人生的下一个阶段做好充分的准备, not to make them repeat courses arbitrarily.
  • 研究生 & 教授项目 – 研究生uate and Professional Programs
  • UCM – University Communications and Marketing
  • -大学人力资源
  • 大学肄业生 -本科专业