

Formal photograph of the 1938 OU marching bank on stairs of Templeton-Blackburn 校友 Memorial Auditorium.



In 1923, an newbb电子平台 student by the name of Homer Baird decided that newbb电子平台 needed a marching band of its own. So he organized the first meeting about such a group at Ewing Hall where over 40 musicians were in attendance.

在那次会议上, Baird was elected president and he made arrangements with a local instrumental teacher named Raymond Connett to direct the band for free. 贝尔德说, “幸运的是, 我们至少有25位顶尖的音乐家,其他人也都表现不错." Enough money was raised to furnish the band with about 30 blue coats and white caps, 而成员们必须自己买白裤子.

在足球赛季期间, the town of 雅典 raised enough money to send the band with the football team on a special train to play 俄亥俄州's toughest rival (俄亥俄州 Wesleyan) on their 同学会 Day. 赛后, the 俄亥俄州 Wesleyan fans stated "that [俄亥俄州] was the best band that had been on their gridiron that year."

After the 1924 season, the records are unclear as to who directed the band and when. 1927年左右, Curtis Janssen took over the direction of the OUMB and arranged the newbb电子平台's Alma Mater. Janssen also established an all-girls band, which was disbanded after he left 俄亥俄州. 杨森离开的时候, Professor Dan Martino took over the OUMB and after Martino came Professor Charles Gilbert. Gilbert and his assistant, William Brophy, reestablished the all-girls band along with majorettes.

1950年,OUMB是一支只有女性成员的乐队,当时许多男性都去打仗了. Charles Minelli took over the direction of the newbb电子平台 Marching Band in 1952 and held the baton until 1966, 当时Gene Thrailkill来自密歇根大学, and began what was to be the biggest change ever in the newbb电子平台 Marching Band.


1967年以前, the men in the band wore green blazers and gray slacks with striped green and white ties, 而女性则穿着同样的西装,打着同样的领带, 而是穿着灰色的裙子. But in 1966 when Gene Thrailkill took over the direction of the OUMB, the "big switch" came about. This included removing all women and majorettes from the band in the 1967 fall marching season. Despite the removal of the majorettes, Thrailkill decided to keep a drum major and a twirler.

1967年,Thrailkill推出了你今天看到的硬朗、高能量的风格. 比尔·费伊是“俄亥俄行进者”乐队的第一位鼓手," while freshman David Fowler was the twirler (Fowler would later begin the tradition of dancing to "Ain't Been Good" which the 110 still performs today). The removal of women from the band caused quite a big controversy in 雅典 resulting in articles in The Post (newbb电子平台's student newspaper) and letters to the editor. 根据汤姆·爱德华兹(1966-1969年欧洲广播电台播音员), 在1967年的第一场主场比赛之前,Thrailkill发表了一篇鼓舞人心的演讲. "He said that the drive-on and the first note of 站起来欢呼 would either make or break this band forever. Obviously, the student body was absolutely blown away -- and the controversy died a very quick death.1975年,在罗纳德. Socciarelli, women were readmitted into the marching band, while retaining the name "110年游行."

在“新”乐队的第一年, 这支乐队被称为“俄亥俄州100名行军者”," similar to the "Marching Men of Michigan;" Thrailkill's Alma Mater. 第二年, in 1968, the band became known as the "110 Marching Men of 俄亥俄州;" the 110 symbolizing the 110年游行 of today.

与乐队有关的许多其他变化也发生在60年代末.  newbb电子平台的战歌, 站起来欢呼, 以目前的形式首次亮相,并高调介绍了这首歌. The newbb电子平台 Alma Mater was also changed with the addition of a new introduction.


  • 雷蒙德·康尼特(1923-1925
  • 约翰·霍林沃思·吉尔(1926-1928
  • 柯蒂斯·威廉·杨森,1929-1945
  • 丹尼尔·马蒂诺,1946-1947
  • 查尔斯·埃弗雷特·吉尔伯特,1948-1950
  • 查尔斯·米内利,1951-1966
  • Gene Thrailkill (1967-1970
  • 托马斯·李,1971-1972
  • 罗纳德·P. Socciarelli, 1973 - 1989
  • 西尔维斯特·杨,1990-1995


  • In 1974, the 110 began the annual tradition of performing at the 俄亥俄州 Theatre in Columbus, 俄亥俄州.
  • 10月28日, 1976 the 110年游行 became the first marching band ever to perform in Carnegie Hall in New York.
  • In 1993, the 110年游行 traveled to Washington DC to play in the Inaugural Parade for Bill Clinton. 随后,110人乐团还为总统就职舞会演奏了一场音乐会.In October 1996 the 110年游行 opened for First Lady Hillary Clinton's speech at Baker Center in 雅典.
  • 一九九八年九月, the 110年游行 performed the opening ceremonies for the LPGA Solheim Cup on the 18th fairway at the Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, 俄亥俄州.
  • 一九九八年十月, the 110年游行 had the honor of performing at the Playhouse Square Light the Lights opening of the restored Allen Theatre. 这场演出的主角是爱丽丝·法利舞者, 克利夫兰的几位企业领导人, 俄亥俄州州长乔治·沃伊诺维奇和他的妻子珍妮特, 百老汇导演, 编舞兼舞者汤米·图恩, 曼哈顿之王, 克利夫兰歌剧院, 克利夫兰圣何塞芭蕾舞团, 俄亥俄州的芭蕾, 克利夫兰的舞蹈, 五大湖戏剧节和舞轮, 迈克·伯斯汀,《newbb电子》的主演,最后是newbb电子平台110周年游行.
  • During the 1999 marching season the 110年游行 performed at the 俄亥俄州/俄亥俄州 State game in Columbus, 辛辛那提猛虎队/圣. Louis Rams game in Cincinnati, and the Cleveland Browns /Baltimore Ravens game in Cleveland. It marked the first time that the 110 had ever performed in the three largest stadiums in the state of 俄亥俄州 all in the same season. 俄亥俄州立大学的比赛吸引了93名观众,222, 孟加拉虎队有45个,481人出席, 布朗队打成72平,898.
  • 同样是在2000年的演出季,“行军110”乐队演出了大约2小时.5 million live viewers and an estimated 65 million NBC viewers in the Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade. 也是在纽约过感恩节的时候, the 110 appeared on Good Morning America during a live update from the parade and was also shown later that day on The Late Show with David Letterman.
  • On September 30, 2001, the 110年游行 took part in one of the most emotional events of the year. 在纽约911悲剧发生后不到三周, 110人队在纽约巨人队的橄榄球比赛中场休息时上场, 这是911恐怖事件以来的第一次. In front of over 70,000 fans, the 110 took part in one of the most memorable games in recent history. 在110赛前秀之后, 哈莱姆男孩合唱团唱了我们的国歌, 托尼·班尼特带头演唱《newbb电子平台》." The moment was highlighted by the visit of representatives of the NYC Fire and Police Departments. 游行110也向联合国捐款.Y.F.D. 纪念那些在911事件中丧生的人们.
  • 在2002赛季结束时, the 110年游行 traveled south to Florida to perform for the 俄亥俄州/University Central Florida Game. While in Florida, the 110 also performed at Walt Disney World, and the Jacksonville Jaguars vs. 匹兹堡钢人队在佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的比赛.
  • In 2005, the 110年游行 once again performed in New York City at the 29th Annual Macy*s Thanksgiving Day Parade, 这次有幸成为乐队的主唱.
  • In 2006, 游行110的15名成员前往好莱坞, 加州, 作为惊喜嘉宾在NBC热门游戏节目中表演, “交易或不交易."
  • 2010年元旦, 游行110参加了在帕塞迪纳举行的第121届玫瑰游行锦标赛, 加州.
  • 2013年5月,“游行110”在爱尔兰都柏林和圣. 罗马梵蒂冈城的彼得广场.