数字影院. 为客户生产. 声音设计.

探索俄亥俄州的媒体艺术制作学位 & 激动人心的经历等待着你!

对于一些, the nuts and bolts of modern media productions might be less interesting than the stories being told. 但如果你一直想知道一部电视剧是如何制作的, 制作了一个网络短剧, 或者一部电影的效果汇聚在一起,让观众眼花缭乱, 考虑一个 媒体艺术制作newbb电子平台

在这个理学学士课程中, you’ll progress through a comprehensive combination of coursework and engaging practical experiences in video and audio production, 媒体写, 编辑等等. 到最后, 你会有什么需要作为一个成功的多媒体创意或媒体制作专家, 无论是作为公司的一部分,还是作为一个自由职业者. 继续往下读吧:


  • 为客户生产

    俄亥俄州的 degree in media arts production dives deep into the technologies and techniques behind successful video production for the web, 播放电影和经典电视节目.

  • 声音设计

    媒体艺术制作专业也将学习如何制作, 为各种多媒体产品和需求清理和编辑音频, 深入现代技术工具和流程,确保身临其境的音频体验.

  • 电影剧本创作

    作为一个媒体艺术制作专业的学生, 你会学到更多关于短形式媒体和电视的编剧, 改编其他媒体的剧本和先进的电影剧本创作方法.

  • 叙事电影

    在我们的媒体艺术制作项目中, 你将获得成功制作媒体产品所需的速成课程, whether that’s a single web documentary or a full-blown TV show with a dozen or more episodes in a season!

  • 数码后期制作

    对于许多媒体项目来说,真正的工作是从编辑开始的. Our media arts production program will show you how to edit multimedia products successfully — and explore just how important editing is to the final experience for a viewer or audience member.

  • 多幅相机生产

    Multimedia projects that combine multiple elements or are viewed on different platforms are highly complex. Our media arts production program will show you how to create these projects successfully (and give you a chance to participate in their creation before graduation).


  • 雅典,俄亥俄州,住宿校园

    俄亥俄州的 雅典住宿校园 你已经准备好了大学生活所需的一切了吗, ranging 从 fully-stocked equipment facilities to social hubs to study havens where you can buckle down and work on a project until it’s perfect. 这些特性, 再加上邻近, 充满活力的市中心, make our residential campus the ideal place to learn and begin your journey as a professional in the media.


  • 地区校园

    Students may complete the Associate in Applied Science in Electronic 媒体 at the newbb电子平台 兰开斯特 or 南部 prior to transferring to 雅典 to pursue a 媒体艺术制作 degree.



职业生涯 媒体艺术制作

The 媒体艺术制作 从 newbb电子平台 unlocks a wealth of exciting and fulfilling career opportunities. 与 the skills and experience you’ll gain 从 this program; you can potentially work as any of the following media professionals:

  • 纪录片导演
  • 编辑器
  • 声音设计师
  • 媒体营销
  • 电影制片人
  • 多媒体设计师
  • 内容策略
  • 编剧
  • 摄影师


Many of newbb电子平台’s media arts production majors have gone on to work for top-rated and profitable companies, 比如迪斯尼, 卢卡斯电影公司, 动物星球和更多. 以前的校友, 事实上, have worked on some of the most successful movies and 电视 shows of the last decade: "Big Brother,《newbb电子平台》和《newbb电子》就是其中的几个例子!

If you're ready to add to your expertise and experience after spending time working in the industry, 我们独特的, 三年 传播媒体艺术硕士学位 是一个绝佳的机会. This terminal degree is a partnership between the Schools of Emerging Communication Technologies, 媒体艺术 & 研究与视觉传达, and it integrates advanced production skills and contextual knowledge with state-of-the-art facilities.

得到 亲自动手的 有媒体艺术制作学位的经验

最好的课程是你亲手学到的. 这就是为什么媒体艺术制作专业的学生将完成几个实践学习和 行业经验 在这个项目中.



想知道在洛杉矶工作和生活是什么感觉吗? 与 俄亥俄州-in-LA, you’ll partner with Hollywood media professionals and creatives to gain work experience and network at the heart of the global media industry.



媒体艺术制作专业的学生也可以参加 西南偏南 奥斯汀的活动, TX, 它结合了音乐节, 专业行业会议, 还有更多. Take the opportunity to network with peers and employers or attend valuable talks to gain new industry insights.



Many of our media arts production majors enjoy a “working vacation” when they get to visit Walt Disney World as part of our 主题公园课程中的故事、技术和数字媒体! 而不是跳上游乐设施, you’ll attend workshops and get behind-the-scenes tours to see how the classic Disney magic really works (plus learn how to make your own magic in your career).



传媒艺术学院的合作项目 & 研究和WOUB公共媒体 梧桐会话 are intimate performances that are recorded and produced by media arts majors during the annual Nelsonville Music Festival.



俄亥俄州为期两天的激烈“枪战”体验, media arts production majors will have just 48 hours to create a five-minute film 从 scratch – doing all the writing, 导演, 开枪自杀或者在其他专业学生的帮助下!



实习对你的自信和简历都有好处. That’s why you can expect to complete at least one internship with a media company in the 媒体艺术制作 program.



Many media arts production majors finish this valuable degree program with an engaging capstone project that involves writing, 编辑和/或制作媒体体验. 


为什么 选择一个媒体艺术制作学位?

今天最震撼人心的故事是结合了精心制作的电影丰富的体验, 听觉增强和情感共鸣. Our media arts production majors remember the first time they watched or heard their favorite stories or songs, 他们受到启发,为世界上的其他人创造同样的体验.

The media arts bachelor’s degree empowers you to master multimedia and digital storytelling experiences. 该程序可以帮助您创建新的,强大的故事,让别人享受. 它也给了你幕后的故事, 你可能一直想知道的媒体制作内幕.

Whether you’re interested in the nuts and bolts of media production and the business side of things, 或者你想要充分发挥你的创造潜力, 媒体艺术制作课程为您提供了工具, 实现梦想所需的学术知识和个人经验.


The faculty members of 俄亥俄州的 media arts bachelor’s degree are involved 从 the start of your education. Whether you’re new to college or have switched majors after tackling your first couple of years, 你会发现你的老师提供一对一的指导机会, 从第一天起就提供个性化指导和实习支持.

Your professors and success advisors are committed to providing you with an engaging learning experience. 学生组织进一步使你能够在校园建立网络和社交, leading to new ways to become a part of our welcoming community and participate in exciting media projects with your fellow majors.

不要忘记俄亥俄州为那些需要经济援助的人提供的许多奖学金! newbb电子平台将以任何形式支持你的教育之旅.



俄亥俄州 media arts production majors start creating and participating in the producing and marketing media projects in their freshman years. 和其他大学不同, newbb电子平台 doesn’t make you wait until your junior or senior year to start gaining practical and highly applicable experience for your future career.

例如, 许多媒体艺术制作专业的学生都在鲍勃·里昂工作室工作, 哪个最近更新了新设备. Our podcasting studio and other equipment rooms also give you the precise tools you need to realize the creative vision in your head.

最终, 媒体艺术制作课程是将经验与课堂学习相结合的课程.





传媒艺术学院 & 研究